Short Stories: I Want to be Your Boyfriend - Vidhian Jaya

Minggu, 26 Februari 2017

Short Stories: I Want to be Your Boyfriend

At 10.00 am, the result of the final examination would be officially announced. Diana, Farida, Aldo, Henry, Selly, and Betty assembled in front of the main gate of the school. They were talking about their plans after senior high school. Diana wanted to know about what her friend wanted to be.

"What's your plan after your senior high school, Farida?" asked Diana.

"Well, I want to continue my study to university", replied Farida.

"What about you, Selly? What are you going to be?" Diana asked.

"I'm not sure. Actually, I want to continue my study to university but I think my parents can't afford to support my study. Higher education is very expensive," Selly tried to explain.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. But I think you have a lot of opportunities. Don't give up, friend. I think it would be a lot of scholarships that you can find," said Diana slowly.

"Thank you, I would consider it, or maybe I want to apply for a job first then continue my study," Selly answered.

"That's a good idea. I know that your English is above the others." Diana added.

Meanwhile, Aldo was the last person Diana wanted to know.

"Aldo, what are you going to do now? Go to university? Join the army? Find a job or any others?" asked Diana.

Aldo did know yet what he wanted to do then and suddenly he said.

"Mmmm, what I want to do now? I think I want to be your boyfriend," replied Aldo honestly.

"What?" Diana surprised. She didn't realize if Aldo would say such a thing. All Diana's friends laughed uproariously.
Aldo and Diana Illustration

Updated on 26 February 2017.

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